CampusBuddy Professor Reviews and Ratings

Wow! I can not believe how fast this summer has gone by, I realized that when I saw “Back-to-School Commercials last week. A little early, no?

Anyway, worrying about back-to-school got me worrying about classes. Choosing your classes can be a very stressful process if you don’t know what you’re doing. A few months back, my friend Allie tipped my off to a great site called CampusBuddy. I used it for enrolling in my classes for fall semester, so I’m very excited/nervous to see how that goes.  I’m enrolled in Econ 102, Phy Sci 5, Classics 10 and I’m still undecided on taking a 4th class. What classes are you talking this semester? Comment your school and classes below!

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