Wayfarer Sunglasses are back

Paris Hilton in Wayfarer Sunglasses

Paris Hilton wearing Wayfarers

The 80’s fashion has made a huge resurgence in on campus, and nothing makes this more evident than the Wayfarer

Sunglasses. Wayfarers are hardly new, in fact they are the most popular style of sunglasses every created (They have been popular since 1952).

Today is it hard not to notice these glasses on campus. On a casual walk through campus at UCLA you may seen 20% of the ENTIRE student body wearing these glasses on a summer May day.

Wayfarers now come in countless colors and styles. Neon armband wayfarers are a common scene on any college campus these days. Two-toned, checkered and mirrored wayfarers are becoming more common as well.

Tom Cruise in Rain Main, Wearing Wayfarers

Tom Cruise sporting Wayfarers in 1988 Best Picture “Rain Man”

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