Train yourself to LOVE working out!

Train Yourself to Love Working Out


We all have times where we fall into a slump routine of binge watching Netflix while also binge eating everything in your kitchen and the thought of working out or even getting off the couch? Awful.

However, being caught in this cycle of unhealthy habits can take a toll on your health, energy, and happiness rather quickly. With a few easy changes to your daily routine, you’ll become a fitness fanatic in no time!

  1. Start with reachable goals: The likelihood of being able to go from couch potato to marathon runner in 2 weeks is slim to none so don’t set yourself up to fail! If you set smaller, achievable goals to work your way towards a bigger goal you will be less likely to give up and the satisfaction of reaching your goals will provide positive momentum to keep pushing!
  1. Make a killer playlist: Spotify makes it really easy to make as many playlists as you want or to follow others. Making a pump-up workout playlist the night before will make you excited to put your headphones in and get in the zone. It will also keep you moving while you’re working out!
  1. Don’t eat 2 hours prior to bedtime: Why? You will wake up feeling less sluggish and bloated which will start your day feeling confident and energized to workout rather than wanting to curl up and snooze in bed all day.
  1. Buy cute workout clothes: Confidence is key- when you look good, you feel good! The best way to show your outfit off is by taking a stroll outside, going on a bike ride, or heading to the gym! I love Carrie Underwood’s new workout clothing line, Calia.
  1. Team up: Find a workout buddy to hold you accountable. If you know your friend is waiting for you at yoga, you’re not only more likely to go but you’ll have way more fun doing it!
  1. Walkie-Talkie: How many times do you call your BFF and finally hang up after over an hour? Make all your phone calls and catch up with your friends while going for a walk. You won’t even realize you have been walking for miles!
  1. Switch it up: There are far more ways to get some exercise than simply running on the treadmill. Go to a workout class, go on a hike, play a sport, or go for a swim. By changing up your usual routine, you won’t get as bored and you’ll also work more muscle groups!
  1. An APP-le a day keeps the doctor away: Since we all are on our phones constantly, you can download fitness apps like Tone It Up, SWORKIT, and Lifesum to help keep you on track and motivated!  Check in with them every time you look at your phone.
Amy Lightbody
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Amy is currently a junior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where she is double majoring in Journalism and Communications and minoring in Information Technology. In her free time she loves to workout, practice yoga, paint, and scroll through Pinterest. She can't wait to share her insights from her own college experience!