Good Grades are HOT this season!!

Good Grades A-plus T-shirt

High GPA’s are Sexy

Registration for fall classes is occurring for colleges all across the country right now, and there is one big decision to make– “Which classes should I take?” Well, this one choice is going to determine the bulk of your fall semester– So choose wisely. It would be wise to ask friends or fellow sorority sisters what they think of particular classes in order to get some hands-on experience with specific classes. Next, you could peruse the online professor rating sites, but those don’t usually tell the whole story, and are primarily composed of teacher’s pets and psycho emo-kids that hate the world!

One useful little-known alternative is to access the official grade histories for classes to see exactly how hard every class and professor really is. Imagine being able to find every Easy A class in the whole school, and avoid every work-your-tail for a C class in the whole school! That is possible with the Academic Edge package on CampusBuddy. On, you can see simply analyze over 100 million previous grades from students like you, to predict which classes are going to “Raise your GPA” or “Sink Your Battleship!”

The $4.99 price tag on the service, really isn’t that bad when you consider the fact that dropping or failing a class will cost you literally thousands in tuition!! Good grades are hot this season, and no site can help you achieve that better than CampusBuddy!

Good Luck SF’istas!

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