Book Review: Leave Your Mark Part 2

Aliza Licht, a successful fashion PR executive and social media go-getter, shares her experiences and advice to launch your career in her book, “Leave Your Mark: Land Your Dream Job. Kill It in Your Career. Rock Social Media.” Here are two of my favorite quotes from Part II!

Part II: Killing It in Your Career

“In order to get the promotion of your dreams, you need to make yourself irreplaceable.”

Willing to take on various responsibilities, being accessible, not giving up and always finding a solution. Don’t put in half the effort unless you’re okay with half the results. Your reputation always precedes you

“Insecurity is the root of all evil”.

“Confidence is a blessing”.

“You also need to be a master of human nature.” It is critical to be able to work with all different types of people and personalities, regardless of the work you can do independently.

“If you’re a normal, sane person, it’s hard sometimes to comprehend how someone else isn’t”. The reality is that difficult people will always exist but it is in your own shoulders to protect yourself and your goals from others who can get in the way.

“Nothing makes people more upset than someone they can’t anger”.

Don’t vent don’t burn bridges because in the future you may need to pull favors and people are more willing to help people they like.

“Don’t just learn your job, learn everyone else’s”. Absorb everything in your surroundings like a sponge.

“Third-party credibility is always more powerful than anything you can ever say on your own behalf”.

“The organic process of letting choices become clear as they are meant to be.”

“Forget the long term career goal. Nail what is in front of you and your next step will become crystal clear….More important to get your foot in a door that shows promise.” Then another door is bound to open

“Work at the opposite job to gain experience for the job you ultimately want”. Mirror-image perspective gained from double majoring in communications and journalism and minoring in IT. Important to know how to create a promotion strategy and write a pitch

“Build a ladder where there isn’t one”.

“A resume never tells the full story”. Be careful what you share on social media and make your profiles reflective of someone you’d be okay with future employers seeing.

Amy Lightbody
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Amy is currently a junior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where she is double majoring in Journalism and Communications and minoring in Information Technology. In her free time she loves to workout, practice yoga, paint, and scroll through Pinterest. She can't wait to share her insights from her own college experience!