
Editor-in-Chief & Creative Director
Monica started out at Sorority Fashion as an intern back in 2010. Yep, she’s the girl behind those How-To and Back-to-School series on our YouTube channel. After interning for Sorority Fashion and graduating, Monica followed her dream of working in fashion and worked as an Assistant Buyer for Neiman Marcus before coming back to Sorority Fashion. Monica graduated from Texas Christian University with a degree in Advertising/Public Relations and is a proud member of Pi Beta Phi. She has a love for fashion and passion for traveling, which she shares on her personal blog at

Back-to-School Day 2: Sorority Recruitment

I interview my friend Anna about her experience during recruitment and she shares her advice for those of you about to experience it! Please leave a comment if you have any questions regarding sorority life, recruitment, or anything related to college. For our last video of the Back-to-School series I will be answering these questions!

Save Money, Look Stylish, Go Green

As college students, we are always trying to find ways to find a balance between affordability and style. Today, buying earth-friendly products has been added to the mix but unfortunately, these items can be a bit pricy. These great buys for back-to-school will not only save you money down the road, but there’s an added bonus: these products will help you go green! The Brita …

Back-to-School Style: Sorority Totes

Now that we are approaching the end of July, back-to-school season has officially begun. The school supply sections have grown significantly larger in stores and it’s time to think about how you will transport all those binders and notebooks to class. Sorority Fashion’s advice? Forget the backpack and update to a tote (a sorority tote while we’re at it)! Vineyard Vines, one of the most …

Can’t Decide between Leggings and Jeans? Try Jeggings!

As basic as jeans can be, each year there seems to be a new way to reinvent this American classic. This year, denim leggings (or as some like to call jeggings) caught my eye. There are two ways I like to classify jeggings: “denim based” and “legging based.” While they are the same for the most part, they can create completely different looks. J. Crew’s …